How can I improve my Einstein Opportunity Score?

First things first, to understand what Einstein Opportunity Scoring is and to find out if you’re eligible, check out this post on Salesforce Ben: What Is Salesforce Einstein Opportunity Scoring? Overview & Deep Dive Tutorial

Read it? Great stuff, let’s move on.

I am loving Einstein Opportunity Scoring and the reception from my users has been very positive. In fact, during a recent training session, a user asked “how can I improve my score?”

This got me thinking…

Salesforce creates the data scoring model and analyses your existing data; we don’t have any control over what fields or records are analysed or the weighting/importance applied to them. So how can we help our users improve their score?

When you examine your scores, you’ll start to see certain contributing factors over and over again, and much of it comes down to our users simply* using Salesforce the correct way.

*Yes, I hear you shriek at the word “simply”. If it was that simple, Administrators wouldn’t spend much of their time coaching (pleading with) users to use Salesforce properly.

Here are a few tips I’m giving my users on how to improve their score:

  • Get your account hierarchies in order and allocate your opportunities to the correct account. Einstein Opportunity Scoring takes into consideration your existing relationship with an account, looking at past won and lost opportunities. If you’ve been lumping opportunities into a single account instead of setting up a proper account structure, this will impact your score.
  • Einstein Opportunity Scoring analyses your past wins and losses; if you haven’t been entering every single opportunity (this means entering lost opportunities as well!) your scores may be unreliable.
  • Get into the habit of entering opportunities into Salesforce as soon as possible, at the start of your sales process e.g. your first stage.
  • Progress the opportunity through the stages. Opportunities in the same stage for too long will appear stagnant and an opportunity moving through the stages will have a higher score.
  • Move your opportunity to the next stage as soon as appropriate. In my org, opportunities at a higher stage have a better track record of being successful than those at earlier stages e.g. prospecting or qualifying.
  • Enter an accurate close date and keep it up to date. An overdue close date will have a big impact on your score, as will pushing the close date out multiple times.
  • The “Type” field can have a big impact on the score and don’t be surprised if new business has a lower score. Existing or repeat business is often easier and cheaper to achieve, plus it takes less time.
  • Update key standard fields regularly e.g. Stage, Probability, Close Date and Amount for a higher score.
  • The more fields completed on the opportunity record, the more accurate your score.


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